June 11, 2019

Jeans ZARA

Hi guys! It has been a little while since I have been here. Life has been so busy with the 2 little boys but I try to keep it updated on my instagram. (you can click here and follow and join me :) )
Anyway, I would love to hear what you guys have been up to? Summer has officially started and I want to hear what you guys will be up to? Are you guys staying local or will be doing travels? 
As for us I think we will stay local and take advantage of all the beaches close to us and also explore Socal because there is too many to see and do! We will also probably explore more the cities close to us like San Diego and Palm Sprigs to name a few. 

Anyway, do you guys have a bucket list of things to do this Summer? Please do share!

The weather has been so gloomy, overcast and cold here and this week finally the sun decided to come out. Of course everyone is super happy about it!! The sun here in southern California is so strong I will need to find better sunscreens for adults and kids. :) 

Now that the sun is out I can't wait to explore more! Haha, it makes me appreciate our choice to downsize on our house when we moved here because we are hardly at home. Now that we have our 2nd boy, at times when the kids are  in crazy mode and being all loud or at times where the toys seemed to have taken over most of the rooms in the house I feel like we should be in a bigger space. But really this is just perfect for now because it's easy to maintain especially when we are always on the go. 

My outfit here was all Zara - for some reason it just worked out that way, Ha! I wore this on a date night and went to a wine tasting night with friends. We had so much fun and also met a lot of new friends. 

Also I thought I'd include below some of the new kids books we are enjoying a lot these days. 

The Big Book of Blue is pretty fun because it has a lot of information, but written in such a fun way perfect for kids!  
The Airplane book is so so so cool! All the flaps, the pop ups, the cool drawing and all the details - So so fun for the kids, definitely one of our fave! 
Oh Bear is such a cute story about friendship and being helpful. So perfect for toddlers! I think we need all the books about kindness and friendship especially at toddler age! 

More later!



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