July 11, 2019

Top Zara - sold out / Similar here
Skirt Zara - sold out / Similar here, here, and here
Belt Bag - All Saints
Sneakers c/o Naturalizer - sold out

Hi guys! How are you and how have you been spending your Summer so far? Hope you guys are all having a wonderful time.
As for us, we are having a blast with the kids! Lots of outdoor fun and lots of changes and new things for our family. Cole started crawling and he is crawling really fast!! Everyday the speed increases and and I am so unprepared for it. It's a great thing don't get me wrong but also nothing at home has been baby proofed!! So on Monday night Mark had to get gates and get them will definitely change the dynamics especially he is already after Carter's toys! Anyways, we also have new classes and camp for Carter. Just lots of new stuff going on for our little family. Everyday we look forward to swim and sun on our skin.
 If it weren't for Cole's nap times we'd probably be out all day. :)

Anyway, I'm definitely loving that midi skirts are back! What do you guys think about the silk skirt trend? I do love it! It's so fun to dress them up or down and you can wear them all year long.
Also I just wanted to share how much I love this belt bag from All Saints. I really like the stud holes on the strap, I think it gives it such an edgy feel and look. 

I can't believe that tomorrow is Friday! What are your plans for the weekend?



June 11, 2019

Jeans ZARA

Hi guys! It has been a little while since I have been here. Life has been so busy with the 2 little boys but I try to keep it updated on my instagram. (you can click here and follow and join me :) )
Anyway, I would love to hear what you guys have been up to? Summer has officially started and I want to hear what you guys will be up to? Are you guys staying local or will be doing travels? 
As for us I think we will stay local and take advantage of all the beaches close to us and also explore Socal because there is too many to see and do! We will also probably explore more the cities close to us like San Diego and Palm Sprigs to name a few. 

Anyway, do you guys have a bucket list of things to do this Summer? Please do share!

The weather has been so gloomy, overcast and cold here and this week finally the sun decided to come out. Of course everyone is super happy about it!! The sun here in southern California is so strong I will need to find better sunscreens for adults and kids. :) 

Now that the sun is out I can't wait to explore more! Haha, it makes me appreciate our choice to downsize on our house when we moved here because we are hardly at home. Now that we have our 2nd boy, at times when the kids are  in crazy mode and being all loud or at times where the toys seemed to have taken over most of the rooms in the house I feel like we should be in a bigger space. But really this is just perfect for now because it's easy to maintain especially when we are always on the go. 

My outfit here was all Zara - for some reason it just worked out that way, Ha! I wore this on a date night and went to a wine tasting night with friends. We had so much fun and also met a lot of new friends. 

Also I thought I'd include below some of the new kids books we are enjoying a lot these days. 

The Big Book of Blue is pretty fun because it has a lot of information, but written in such a fun way perfect for kids!  
The Airplane book is so so so cool! All the flaps, the pop ups, the cool drawing and all the details - So so fun for the kids, definitely one of our fave! 
Oh Bear is such a cute story about friendship and being helpful. So perfect for toddlers! I think we need all the books about kindness and friendship especially at toddler age! 

More later!


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January 21, 2019

Hi guys! Hope you are having a great Martin Luther King weekend. It's always nice to have long weekends and having the hubby home. This weekend is low key for us. Just trying to rest and finish a bunch of home projects. We are halfway done our list and I am sure it will feel so good when we finish everything today. 

Time just seems to be flying by for us especially now having 2 littles! Is it the same for you? 
Cole is now 5 months old and weighing almost 22lbs!! I can't even believe that he is 5 months old!!! 
Yep, we are now doing solid foods and switching over to big kid stroller seats and bigger baby car seats! Because he does not fit his infant car seat anymore. 
I am pretty excited about it though because if you are a mama you would know how heavy those infant car seats are and I am so happy I don't have to deal with them anymore. 
But just so crazy because with Carter when we hit all these milestones, they all were such a big deal and the switching of car seats did not happen until later for him. But Cole is a bigger baby to begin with. 

Haha I remember with Carter everything was so carefully planned and researched. But not with Cole. Everything is done as fast as possible, research wise for all the products we use for him. But also because we learned so much with the first child. This time around we pretty much know what we look for on most of his basic necessities like clothes, blankets, accessories, gears, travel gears, bath gears, bath products, etc. 

On this post I would like to share with you one of our favorite clothing brand, Olen Organic. That is the outfit Cole is wearing on these photos. I found out about them last year and really really love their clothes. I promise you, it's one of the softest clothing we've come across. When I put it on Cole I know that he is comfortable. Their products are made of organic cotton which makes them softer and made to last for a long long time. They stretch nicely and the designs are so cute!! Aaaand products are made from Los Angeles which is a really big plus!

They are a having a huge sale on their KUPLA Leggings today only for $10!! That is a really great deal guys!! I linked them here and below, I also linked the top and bottom that Cole is wearing. y links are actually directly to their store, but you can find this brand at different children's clothing boutiques too!

Cole has been such a nice baby. He is so chill and always smiles, laughs and just wanting to play. Haha he loves his food and needs to be asleep by his bedtime which is 7pm. He has learned to fight his sleep in the mornings but since he is always happy and smiling then I really don't mind the company! :) 
I will also try to do a post later that shows all of our current favorite baby and  toddler products. There are soooo many brands and products out there and half the time it's hard to choose which one is a really good one and worth every buck you spend on it.  So hopefully that post will be able to help!

But anyways, I hope you have a great rest of your day!! As for me, I will be going back to painting some of the shelves I am repurposing for our entry way. If it ends up looking good I'll post them on my instagram.  ;) Linking all the products below! 


TIPI (sold out) but here are similar ones that are super cute but won't break the bank! here, here, here, here
RUG Ikea
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December 12, 2018


Hi guys! How are you? Hope you guys are having a wonderful time this Holiday season. Are you guys done shopping for gifts and decorating? Well I am happy to say that I think I am. It seems really hard for me to spend quality time with the kids and celebrate and do Christmas-sy things when I have all these things in my head that I need to get done. So I try to finish them all  right away so I can just enjoy, be present and create memories with them the remainder of the Holiday season.
Next year I think I will try to start earlier especially if I want to do an advent calendar with crafts as fillers. I figure we are going to be doing Christmas crafts anyway so I might as well wrap them and and add extra extra extra excitement to our activities! Haha! 

Holiday events are rolling in as well and I am sure it's the same for you. So making sure you have the right outfit for each event is a whole new other story!! 
Anyway, here is one casual but chic outfit that hopefully will inspire you. Did a belted blazer which is pretty chic and wore it with a casual denim shorts. Also if you are 50/50 on the bike shorts trend, these denim moto shorts can be a good option for you since the fabric is denim and not spandex-y type. And these Naturalizer heels for a pop of color! Perfect for brunch or a day event you might have. If your weather is cooler than ours here in Southern Cali, you can always put on a thick coat over this outfit.

These heels are so comfortable though, it's so perfect for an all day or night event. It comes in different color options too! Check out Naturalizer's website or store if you are still in search for shoes for this Holiday season, for something stylish and comfortable! You won't be sorry!! ;) 


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November 28, 2018

Hi guys!  I know it has been a little while since I have been on here. Have been busy with the new addition to the family  and then now the Holidays. How are you guys and I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to do a quick life update and a post on 1 of the basics we all need for this season. 

On life update: It has been pretty hectic transitioning from 1 child to two but also a lot of fun! Children definitely are hard work but I am grateful to have 2 and they seem both to be overall pretty good. (Don't get me wrong, they do have their moments of crazy too! Haha!) Cole is almost 4 months, I can't even believe it! Seems to really be flying by this time around. He is such a sweet boy and almost always has  the biggest smile and just wanting to play.
Carter seems to have finally adjusted to having a baby brother. He now always wants to help mom and baby and play with the baby. He also loves his new school so that makes all of us at home  happy.

Anyway, did you guys score a ton of good stuff from all the Holiday sales going on right now? I think I did pretty good this time, mine is mostly on home deals. Just trying to finish some spaces in the house I have left unfinished for way too long.

(Taking a quick break while taking photos, because Carter had to tell me a story. Haha! Had no idea this was captured and he looked so adorable so I thought I'd include it :))

Now, about important basic pieces to have in your wardrobe this season or  actually every Fall, the one that goes on top of the list is a pair of basic, comfortable, black boots or in my case ... black booties since the weather is usually nice and warm here in Southern California.
Aside from my success on finding home furnishing deals, I also scored  a few great fashion pieces to update my wardrobe. One of them is this mustard top with  puff sleeves, I'm really loving this color for Fall. And another great score is this nice pair of basic black booties from Naturalizer. It's light and soft and pretty much goes with everything. It also comes in many different color options.

Anyways, I wore this outfit 2 different ways here. One of them is a more casual look. Hope you like them! 

TOP: H&M similar HERE, HERE & HERE
